I feel like I always post introspective things, but with everything that has been happening in my life, I haven't been able to think about, let alone post all of the wonderfully fun things that have been happening. So maybe this weekend I will post a little bit more...we'll see.
So I went home this weekend...and it was beautiful, and wonderful, and very thought provoking. Something about home has been pulling me back for the past couple months. As graduation continually looms closer and closer, I need to be thinking about what will happen afterwards...so with that, my options are to move out to Arizona with my mom, stay in Mass with my friends, or go back home with my family. All of them have their benefits, and their disadvantages. With 7 months until graduation, I know I can't make decisions yet, but I have a lot to think about.
For a real update on my life, I'm thinking. That's what it is coming to.
Oh, and then for my schedule, and reasoning behind why I haven't posted in over a month, though less than 2 which is impressive, I have 4 major time commitments. I am obviously in school, student-teaching, then college bound which is my after-school program job, and working at Friendly's. Sometimes I like to think that my life is typical, and then I remember that excluding school I have over 50 hours planned each week...WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! So I am extremely sorry for the lack of posts, but please know that I am crazy busy and will post as soon as I have an opportunity, and or good pictures to post. Which could actually be soon now that I think about it.
Hope you all are doing fantastic!!!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Sunday, September 9, 2012
That time I...
That time I went home for the weekend so that I could spend it with my little brother, was such a wonderful trip home! I left school at 4 on Thursday, and got home around 8:15, mild speeding permitted. But I just got to hang out all day Friday with my dad, saw my family Friday night for cake and presents for the munchkin, and family time all day Saturday. It was fabulous!!!
Again, I learned how much I love home, how much I hate leaving, and how much family means to me. Three years ago, if you had asked me how I felt about home and Maine, I would have told you that I hated it, Maine was the most awful, stifling place a person can live. I would have told you that anywhere other than Maine was best. I couldn't understand why people would want to live there for their entire lives and never leave. I couldn't understand it. Now, as I enter my 4th year of college, and face the inevitable ending of school, I must choose what I will do with the rest of my life. That is such a scary idea. But as I have had to drive away from my family so many times, and be left behind after they dropped me off, I know that no matter what I do, I want to be close to them, even if that means that I have to go back to Maine. Will I go back right after school? I'm not sure, but somehow I feel compelled to go back, and see what is in store for me. All I know for sure is that I am trusting in God's plan for my life, as He is the only one with the details, and the only one who is really in control. All of my plans have been tossed around and thrown back in my face, so if I just choose to give up all control and follow where God wants me to go, I know I will be safe. That is liberating!
So that time that I went home for my brother's birthday, turned into a wonderful weekend because of all that I learned about myself, my family, and how much they care and support for me. That is the most important thing to me.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
I'm Back!!!
I know, such a long sabbatical from writing....not because I haven't been wanting to write, the whole "stealing internet from some random person in the neighborhood" was awful for the past month. So now that I am back, in my wonderful Gordon apartment, I now have an internet bubble that reads "Signal Strength: Excellent" Oh Happy Day!
So since I was gone, a ton of things have happened!!! Let's start at the beginning:
- Camping with the Family
- Working 12 hour days
- Best friend's wedding
- End of work
- Moving to Gordon
Well, those are all of the big things.
Camping with my family was amazing! We went down to this cute little campground in Biddeford, right along the Saco River. We went there last year, so it was so nice to return. They have horses, llamas, chickens, sheep, and a ton of other animals. The owner is from England! Brownie points there. The river is soft and smooth, so instead of swimming, we would bring noodles and floaties to the beach and float down to our little beach by the campsite. It was the most relaxing thing!
And then....I went back to work, and had to work 11 days in a row, from 8 in the morning until 8 at night. Boy was I stressed out!!! The pilot's were wonderful, and helped me out so much while I was playing "Boss".
Then my best friend from the age of 4. Yes count that 17 years of friendship (longest relationship I have ever had? Check!), GOT MARRIED!!!!! Ahhhhh crazy!!! Here is us in all our glory! I can't believe it! Talk about the most gorgeous bride ever!!! I cried when she walked down the aisle. I cried when she said I do. I cried when she walked out the first time as part of Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Williams. I cried when I gave my toast. I basically cried for a solid 3 hours. (Classic). But now that I'm so late in posting about it, she is now in Hawaii with her hubby. Not a bad life if I do say so myself. :)
I then had my last day of work 4 days after the wedding. My boss was super nice and let me have a ride in a vintage World War II fighter trainer!!! Who else can say they have flown a plane from 1944??? Ummm, no one??? That's what I thought. Best summer job??? I think so!!!!
I then had my last day of work 4 days after the wedding. My boss was super nice and let me have a ride in a vintage World War II fighter trainer!!! Who else can say they have flown a plane from 1944??? Ummm, no one??? That's what I thought. Best summer job??? I think so!!!!
NOW!!! I am back at school, and have hit the ground running with a cold, college bound training and lots, and LOTS of homework!!! So wish me luck as I get going through this crazy crazy year of ups, and downs, as well as huge amounts of stress!!!!
See you,
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Lucky You....
I had the most amazing day, you all should be so jealous you couldn't be me....just saying. because......*suspense*......I got to have a whole day with this girl!!!!
and yes, if you were wondering, we are proud to be standing in the dressing room at THE L.L. Bean in Freeport, looking mad stylish in our garb!!!
Our day, especially at L.L. Bean was filled with trying on clothes and posing with random taxidermy-ed bears....
I know you all feel so much safer knowing that I roam through the woods looking so strong and tough. I'm so touched....
We also took pretty photos, on the boot. Mind you there is a sign that says to not climb on the boot, 1. please don't call the cops.... and 2. be wary of our adventurous law-breaking natures.
We filled the rest of our time with some shopping!!! :), thank you outlets for being super cheap!!! And talked for hours. It was so wonderful to be able to catch up with this beautiful girl and share her first full day of being 21!!!
Happy Birthday Steph!!!!
had to make it blog official :)
Have a wonderful night/day!!!
P.S. Here is another picture of me looking very lady-like (I think). I know mad skills, climbing a boot in a skirt, without flashing anybody!!! Be very impressed, I beg of you! :)
Saturday, July 14, 2012
The way things are...
This is going to be a post of my thoughts about life lately
and how they come flowing out of mind and through my finger tips. Please enjoy
the ride.
So right now, as I write this I am sitting in the office in
Bar Harbor, ME, listening to the rain come down against the windows, and the
t.v. play the loop of the glider and biplane rides, and it reminds me to be
thankful. For everything that has happened in my life, I don’t think that I am
thankful enough. I have a roof over my head that keeps me safe and dry, as well
as a wonderful car that takes me from one place to another safely. I am not
thankful enough, and I know in this day and age, it is widely believe (I
think), that we are entitled to so much of these things. I should have a place
to live with a roof that is dry and warm, and a means of transportation. I
think we have lost our means of gratefulness and for this I think it is really
I want my life to be a grateful one, where I look around me
and notice all of the beautiful things that are happening. The rain for things
to grow, a job so I can save money, a family who supports me, friends who love
me dearly, especially so much that they tell me exactly how they feel, knowing
that it is the one way I will listen, and for God’s beautiful creation and how
he helps us remember that we are small in terms of creation, but equally loved
in His family.\
Maybe this post is a little too deep, and maybe it just
isn’t filled with as much fun as it should, but I think we all need a little
reminding of what is important in life.
Friday, July 6, 2012
- Ever wondered what goes through my head in about 15 minutes??? Too scared to ask??? Well here is that chance. About 10 minutes of time at work just typing anything and everything that has popped into my head. Ready? Go!
- 1. Maine: you are a bit warmer than any other summer, or are you feeling this way because I have never worked outside this much before???
- 2. Flying is one of the best feelings in the world, and I can’t wrap my head around all those people who are afraid of doing it.
- 3. I’m not a super huge fan of working late nights, but I guess the money isn’t bad…
- 4. Boys…do you ever feel lonely?? Like you won’t ever find a girl to love you?? Just a thought.
- 5. Friends…..all of you….I miss you. I want you all back in my life now.
- 6. Should I get a haircut??? Not just 1 of the thousands, but all of them. It seems a bit long, and all I ever do is put it up because of the wind. Or should I get bangs again??
- 7. People seem to think that I need to have my life figured out by now. World: I am not ready to be a real and true adult, having a big girl job 24/7….I want to have a wonderful and fun senior year, so can we pause on putting all the stress on me for now?? Okay, thanks!!! It’s much appreciated.
- 8. Credit Cards: (I know even more random), I know that I need you so that I can build credit and be a real big girl, but I don’t want to get into trouble with you….girls often spend too much money…
- 9. I love and adore pinterest, and all the time that it wastes, but I’m getting bored with it. I like looking at all the pins, I’m just getting discouraged with how many pins I want to try, but yet don’t have time, materials, or money to do any of them. I would love a week to just sit down and do whatever I wanted, without worrying about work or people to hang out with, so I can just sit at a table and craft.
- 10. Dear Future Husband, can you love Jesus, love me and have a dog??? That’s all I really ask for.
- Too much information??? Sorry, but this is what is going through my head after being at work for almost 11 hours, and I still have another hour and a half to go. I warn you, do not envy my job, no matter how much money I may make….sometimes the hours just aren't worth it…
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Welcome July!!!
Is it just me, or does the first of July always seem like the real and true beginning of summer??? Maybe it's just me considering the weather we have been having??? I mean let's look at today's weather, shall we??
Basically, that weather, says that the sun will be out, it will be 84 degrees, with a UV index of 9. Who has a job outside, where she can tan and enjoy not freezing for a little while??? This kid. Oh and she is super excited!!! Work has been great lately, the pilots have been wonderful, and hey, I'm making sales. Side note: part of me hates selling because I'm so cheap, but another part of me really loves the commission!!!
I drove some people yesterday in the company car, as part of our transportation deal. I dropped them off about a quarter mile past where I should have dropped them off, (I'm a nice person like that), and they handed me a very nice tip!!! Thank you tourists!!! I will like you for these next couple of months I suppose. :)
What is everyone going to do with this beautiful weather??? Anyone planning something special for the 4th???
I drove some people yesterday in the company car, as part of our transportation deal. I dropped them off about a quarter mile past where I should have dropped them off, (I'm a nice person like that), and they handed me a very nice tip!!! Thank you tourists!!! I will like you for these next couple of months I suppose. :)
What is everyone going to do with this beautiful weather??? Anyone planning something special for the 4th???
Enjoy your Sunday,
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
New and Exciting!!!
Would you look at that, this little blog-y has 2 new followers, well only 2 followers at all. But I'm so excited that they are my best friends at school! They are the sweetest those two!!!
One of them, her name is Steph, just wrote me a letter which I received today!!! So exciting for this super yucky day outside!!! I absolutely adore getting letters especially from her, because, as with my mind, it jumps from anything and everything to something!!! It makes me so happy to have a wonderful friend like her!!!
As for my other bestie, Laura... Partial bit of our conversation from last night..."If I ever treat my kids badly, you have every right to come over to my house and send me to the loony bin!" Yes, I love her for these comments, because I know that she means it, and will do the same for me too!! :)
Onto other exciting-ness...so now that my class is over, I am finally divulging this huge need of mine. You wonder what this said need would be??? I need to read, all the time. I'm not talking textbooks,love them EWWWW no, I'm talking sink your teeth in, don't stop reading until the wee hours of the night books. So I'm aiming to read 18 books this summer. Yes, you read that correctly, hopefully 18 books will be read in the next 2 months of summer vacation. Is this a little absurd, absolutely. But not, because over Christmas break, which was 28 days, I was able to read 9. So 18 in 2 months, or what used to be 3 before the class ate up half the time, should be no problem!!! So I have now started with the Harry Potter series all over again, I have successfully made it through Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, and am almost done with the Chamber of Secrets. So 2 done in 1 week, this could work, since it's crazy enough...
But then again, my schedule next week has me working about 64 hours.....so. it might not be possible to read a lot....we will have to see.
until next time,
Would you look at that, this little blog-y has 2 new followers, well only 2 followers at all. But I'm so excited that they are my best friends at school! They are the sweetest those two!!!
One of them, her name is Steph, just wrote me a letter which I received today!!! So exciting for this super yucky day outside!!! I absolutely adore getting letters especially from her, because, as with my mind, it jumps from anything and everything to something!!! It makes me so happy to have a wonderful friend like her!!!
As for my other bestie, Laura... Partial bit of our conversation from last night..."If I ever treat my kids badly, you have every right to come over to my house and send me to the loony bin!" Yes, I love her for these comments, because I know that she means it, and will do the same for me too!! :)
Onto other exciting-ness...so now that my class is over, I am finally divulging this huge need of mine. You wonder what this said need would be??? I need to read, all the time. I'm not talking textbooks,
But then again, my schedule next week has me working about 64 hours.....so. it might not be possible to read a lot....we will have to see.
until next time,
Monday, June 25, 2012
Those days...
Here was my post for a couple days ago....as you can tell I forgot to post it. That's what happens when my computer dies at work. sad. but here it is. I will be back tomorrow, hopefully with a much
You know those days when you just know, have that gut
feeling that life is just going to suck for the day??? Driving into work, all I
could think about was the fact that today at work was going to suck. I have one
of those dumb summer colds that just knocks everything out of you. Life is
supposed to be good in the summer, not killing you slowly from the inside out….
Anyways….morning started easily getting ready and feeling
like I could take on the day….and then I was stuck driving behind a long line
of cars going 25 mph, in a 50 mph zone!!!! Let’s talk about it being
excruciating pain for this one, who just so happens to have a pretty good lead
foot on her. It was painful to say the least. I get to work and do all of my
paperwork which just so happens to only take me 15 minutes rather than the
usual 20 minutes (bonus for the day! J),
but then comes the rain…..mind you, when working on an air field, with small
aircraft, giving tours of a national park, people don’t like rain….they get
cranky, and expect you to fix it….yes, just so happens I rescheduled their
flight, per their request, and my boss gets mad. Who knew that customers would
want to fly in the rain??? I sure didn’t! bah. So the boss is mad, I feel like
s***, and there is nobody here. Yay. It’s going to be an absolutely fantastic
Rant over.
Here is to hoping that your day is far better than mine!
Monday, June 18, 2012
So I know that it has been forever since I have posted, and that would be due to a little May Term class called Christian Theology that I have been taking. Because I am an education major, with a double in Psychology, it makes it difficult to fit all of the required classes into 4 years...meaning...I have had to take summer courses.
So this whole Christian Theology thing, I go to a Christian college on the North Shore of Massachusetts, and they want all of their students to be "well-rounded"... Of course, I have always thought that this was a crock....little did I know, how much this class would change me. Everyone hates the "common core" classes, because it feels like high school all over again. This class was so different, and made you think in critical ways. It wasn't a high school class, because I didn't just spit back information, I had to think about and formulate my own opinions.
Last week I spent most of my time studying for the final, and writing my last paper, both of which I got decent grades on. But the most important thing, other than the grade, was the fact that I enjoyed what I was learning, and did in fact take information away from this experience.
That's a little bit of rambling....but I wanted to explain why I have been AWOL for so long....
Back tomorrow for a recap of the wedding I went to this weekend! Here's a picture of the ecstatic bride and groom!!!
So this whole Christian Theology thing, I go to a Christian college on the North Shore of Massachusetts, and they want all of their students to be "well-rounded"... Of course, I have always thought that this was a crock....little did I know, how much this class would change me. Everyone hates the "common core" classes, because it feels like high school all over again. This class was so different, and made you think in critical ways. It wasn't a high school class, because I didn't just spit back information, I had to think about and formulate my own opinions.
Last week I spent most of my time studying for the final, and writing my last paper, both of which I got decent grades on. But the most important thing, other than the grade, was the fact that I enjoyed what I was learning, and did in fact take information away from this experience.
That's a little bit of rambling....but I wanted to explain why I have been AWOL for so long....
Back tomorrow for a recap of the wedding I went to this weekend! Here's a picture of the ecstatic bride and groom!!!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Weekend Re-Cap....WHAT???
Somehow, I think there was a weekend mixed in with everything that I did....
- worked
- ran all around town to pick up my parents friend
- talked on the phone with my bestie for over an hour
- went out with another bestie
- got attacked by a Colombian man...NOT FUN!!!
- out to breakfast with the fam
- grocery shopping
- cut wood
- biked 5.5 miles
- went swimming...kinda...it was cold OKAY?!?!?!
- cooked dinner
- "tried" to do homework, while watching Indiana Jones
I don't know about you, but that was a lot to squeeze into 48 hours...and now it is Monday....(side note: can we put a moratorium on using that word....it's almost, practically, kinda, could be a curse word...especially around these here parts).
But now I am off to work again, to keep the office running....oh the joys of being the only woman to ever enter those hallowed halls :)
Have a great starting day to your week!!!! (See what I did there??? Not using that awful word!!!)
Friday, June 8, 2012
Bop-It. T-Shirts. Fog. Airplanes. Flowers.
On other notes....today I received a wonderful package from my dear, sweet friend, Steph. Granted, the book was for a class, so that wasn't all that fun, but her letter was the best!!! It makes me miss the days of Starbucks runs during the 20 minutes between classes, and the music blasting in her car!!!! Those are the days that I can't wait to return to!!!
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book, letter, and a neato burrito craft!!! |
Well that little munchkin...
That little munchkin would be my little brother, who isn't so little anymore. He is 6 years old and finishing Kindergarten next week! I can't believe he is getting so big. We have been through so much in the past 6, almost 7 years.
He was born when I entered my freshman year of high school, talk about getting looks from people like I was applying to be on "16 and Pregnant". He grew up with my high school sweetheart, expecting him to be in my life together. Then we had a huge transition to go through when I went to college, and a huge transition every summer.
He has been the most adorable kid I have ever met, and as much as I want to punch him in the face on some days, I wouldn't trade him for the world!!! He is my bubby, my munchkin!!!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
I thought it would be pertinent to write about why this blog is named as such. So here goes on the best explanation I could possibly try and sum up in one post.
The future. The single word that comes into my mind is "Scary". As I have grown up and gone off to college 500 miles away from home, I have realized how self-sufficient I have become. I don't think it's just a me thing, but the future just scares me, having the weight of the world on my shoulders. I have always prided myself on the ability to be self-sufficient, but that is because I have always had an idea of what I need to do. School tends to give you that type of structure. I think the biggest thing now, is not knowing, or having a plan after I graduate. I have a vague idea of what I'm going to do, only because it is my major, but I don't know where I will be teaching, if I will be teaching, how I might be making money to live on. All of these things are important things to figure out.
I know that I have a Great God above me who will take care of all of my needs, because He has done so well in the past! I have had so many plans, plans to marry, plans for grad school, heck even plans on when I'm going for coffee, that have been changed for other reasons. My latest plan was for grad school, and that has been changed because of a wonderful trip to the Dominican Republic. I taught a few people English there and fell so in love with the teaching aspect again, and have since veered off the path to grad school and focused more on my teaching abilities.
But what does all of this mean? Am I really going to be a teacher? Where am I going to teach? What am I going to be teaching? Will I be in the Dominican, back in Maine, around school? So many questions, so many leaps of faith to take as I move through this final year at school.
Tough stuff? Deep Stuff? Well, that's why this blog is here! So just in case I start losing my mind from worry, I can take some time to relax in the blog world. This journey will be filled with plenty of laughter, smiles and all together just a good time.
I'll leave you with some of the wonderful photos from the trip to the Dominican :)
The future. The single word that comes into my mind is "Scary". As I have grown up and gone off to college 500 miles away from home, I have realized how self-sufficient I have become. I don't think it's just a me thing, but the future just scares me, having the weight of the world on my shoulders. I have always prided myself on the ability to be self-sufficient, but that is because I have always had an idea of what I need to do. School tends to give you that type of structure. I think the biggest thing now, is not knowing, or having a plan after I graduate. I have a vague idea of what I'm going to do, only because it is my major, but I don't know where I will be teaching, if I will be teaching, how I might be making money to live on. All of these things are important things to figure out.
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Jesus Calming the Storm |
But what does all of this mean? Am I really going to be a teacher? Where am I going to teach? What am I going to be teaching? Will I be in the Dominican, back in Maine, around school? So many questions, so many leaps of faith to take as I move through this final year at school.
Tough stuff? Deep Stuff? Well, that's why this blog is here! So just in case I start losing my mind from worry, I can take some time to relax in the blog world. This journey will be filled with plenty of laughter, smiles and all together just a good time.
I'll leave you with some of the wonderful photos from the trip to the Dominican :)
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The boys love basketball! |
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The construction workers at the work site |
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A fair trade chocolate co-op |
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Well, this would be the first blog post ever. Other than having made a blog for an education class, I have never written a blog post. Crazy things happen when you start to grow up and remember that your memory just isn't as good as it used to be.
This will be a wonderful place to keep memories, and keep myself sane as I toil through senior year of college on the North Shore of Massachusetts, and walk off into the big world. There shall be lots of memories this summer and school year. So many new adventures to be taking with some of my best friends, as well as so much learning. I look forward to sharing these as the days come.
And because I have been taught that every post needs a picture....here is a picture of me and two of the most wonderful people in the world. I look forward to many more pictures and adventures with them!
And with that, let the memories begin...
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