Monday, June 18, 2012


So I know that it has been forever since I have posted, and that would be due to a little May Term class called Christian Theology that I have been taking. Because I am an education major, with a double in Psychology, it makes it difficult to fit all of the required classes into 4 years...meaning...I have had to take summer courses.

So this whole Christian Theology thing, I go to a Christian college on the North Shore of Massachusetts, and they want all of their students to be "well-rounded"... Of course, I have always thought that this was a crock....little did I know, how much this class would change me. Everyone hates the "common core" classes, because it feels like high school all over again. This class was so different, and made you think in critical ways. It wasn't a high school class, because I didn't just spit back information, I had to think about and formulate my own opinions.

Last week I spent most of my time studying for the final, and writing my last paper, both of which I got decent grades on. But the most important thing, other than the grade, was the fact that I enjoyed what I was learning, and did in fact take information away from this experience.

That's a little bit of rambling....but I wanted to explain why I have been AWOL for so long....

Back tomorrow for a recap of the wedding I went to this weekend! Here's a picture of the ecstatic bride and groom!!!

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