Monday, October 15, 2012


I feel like I always post introspective things, but with everything that has been happening in my life, I haven't been able to think about, let alone post all of the wonderfully fun things that have been happening. So maybe this weekend I will post a little bit more...we'll see.

So I went home this weekend...and it was beautiful, and wonderful, and very thought provoking. Something about home has been pulling me back for the past couple months. As graduation continually looms closer and closer, I need to be thinking about what will happen with that, my options are to move out to Arizona with my mom, stay in Mass with my friends, or go back home with my family. All of them have their benefits, and their disadvantages. With 7 months until graduation, I know I can't make decisions yet, but I have a lot to think about. 

For a real update on my life, I'm thinking. That's what it is coming to. 

Oh, and then for my schedule, and reasoning behind why I haven't posted in over a month, though less than 2 which is impressive, I have 4 major time commitments. I am obviously in school, student-teaching, then college bound which is my after-school program job, and working at Friendly's. Sometimes I like to think that my life is typical, and then I remember that excluding school I have over 50 hours planned each week...WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! So I am extremely sorry for the lack of posts, but please know that I am crazy  busy and will post as soon as I have an opportunity, and or good pictures to post. Which could actually be soon now that I think about it. 

Hope you all are doing fantastic!!!