Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Growing up sucks...

So this one time at school, I had to grow up. I had to learn about workman's comp.

I was dealing with a student who was not exactly having it with the directions of the classroom. While everyone was cleaning up the literacy centers he happened to be mopping my floors with his back. While doing such a thing he started screaming at an ear piercing level, and moved himself into a corner. With as much patience as I could muster, which we all know isn't a lot, I had him in an almost vertical position. As I supported most of his weight, he decided to pick up a rather heavy, metal chair, and drop it. Making it, of course, land on my open toe.

It hurt.

A lot.

Throughout the day it started to hurt even worse. It didn't look bad all day, or after school. But now, nine hours later, it looks like I took purple marker to it....

I had to learn about workman's comp, and the reporting within 24 hours, and going to the doctors. I opted out. It's a bruise. But the whole process is kind of scary.... Can't I go back to being a student where I know what is expected? 

Now I shall leave you with a much better picture of my niece: 

Isn't she cute??? 
Off to bed,

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