Saturday, March 1, 2014


Over the past month I have learned a lot about myself. Through the help of some friends who have reminded me of my best attributes, I have come to realize something, and truly BELIEVE it. That is the difference.




I know this all sounds conceited. But give me a minute to explain.

So much of the time we spend our days trying to find our validity in other things. How good am I compared to so-and-so? How am I better? How can I be better? Does my boyfriend/girlfriend love me?

We are always striving. Trying to be something. But why? WHY? Why do we have to be better? Why do we have to constantly compare ourselves to others.

This past month I have focused on being. There have been days when I have done a good job of this, and other days/weeks, that I have been very bad at it.

It is hard to continue a routine that is so out of context with society. But doing so, gives so much peace. Understanding that I am a good person who is worth something, just because I am alive. I have value, because I am alive. I am valid, because I am alive. I have focused on what is important to me. What in this moment encourages me, makes me happy, pleases me. The joy and peace that I find in these moments helps me to be a better teacher, a better friend, a better daughter, a better sister, etc.

Each and every one of my friends is vastly different from the others. I love each and every person in my life for a different reason. The reason that they came into my life, the lessons that they have taught me, the ways in which they have touched my life. I find value in each and every one of these relationships.

I want you to read this post and know that you are in fact loved and valued. I wouldn't be sharing these thoughts if I didn't think that they were important. Remember how important you are.

Keep leaping,