I had a wonderful weekend, another post, and walked into school ready for the week. I had quite a bit to do, and felt like a chicken with my head cut off, as I ran around trying to organize everything in my room.
BUT, as soon as I saw my children, I knew that I had missed them. I missed their smiles. I missed their personalities. I missed the way they all talk with one another. I missed being their teacher. I missed being with them.
These were feelings that I had never had before. I have never experienced such joy at seeing children who I so often see through a more negative light. It was a wonderful feeling. The best feeling to start the day out with.
I was able to have such a fabulous day, although missing 5 of my little ducks was sad, it did make for a quieter, and calmer classroom. We all had fun together. Every student was able to have more attention. Attention they so often desperately need.
Later in the day, we had writing, and had just read a story about germs and how they make us sick. Our sentence revolved around such things being: "I see germs." Now I know we can't really see germs, and that was explained to them again, so we decided on drawing an illustration to go with the sentence that included a sink and our hands. Mind you, when we do writing, I do the writing of the sentence on my own paper in front of students, and then I draw a picture to correspond to the sentence. So I'm sitting in my chair, after having written my sentence already, I'm in the middle of drawing my picture including the hands, and then the sink. I lost it right before I took the picture. The kids laughed just as hard when they noticed it too....
Yes, that is my "happy face" sink. I, in no way, meant for this to happen. I was just trying to draw the bowl part of the sink, rather than just the perimeter.
Some of the quotes from today:
"Miss Grant, you are a beautiful colorer."
"Miss Grant, you make beautiful drawings."
"I love your beautiful jacket."
"Miss Grant, your hair is so beautiful today."
Anybody think they were sucking up? With all the hugs they gave me today, I don't think these kids are anything other than the sweetest little ducks!